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About us

Since 2013, we’ve been working closely with charities and not-for-profit organisations, helping them connect with supporters and generate a sustainable income through regular donations. We’re a dedicated team of management and operational staff, frontline fundraisers and outreach specialists with decades of experience, all working together to generate best results for our clients.


Gather Campaigns is part of an international group of companies with offices all over the world including in Canada, USA, South Africa, Ireland and India.

Meet our team

Our team


Dominic Will

Dominic Will
Managing Director

Kay Fellows

Kay Fellows
Business Development Manager

Aimee Bond

Aimee Bond
Head of Client Services

Simon Morris

Simon Morris
Account Manager

Shermon Phillips

Shermon Phillips
Training & Quality Assurance Manager

Hannah Sheehy

Hannah Sheehy
Training & Quality Assurance Manager

Justine Shoda

Justine Shoda
Account Manager

What's it like to work on Gather Campaigns?

Check out these stories from our team members — 

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Unit 235, Business Design Centre,

52 Upper Street, Islington, London, N1 0QH

Tel: +44 (0) 1244 621024



Company registration number: 08595700

Registered address: Suite D2, Mercury Court, Chester West Employment Park, Chester CH1 4QR

Copyright – Gather Campaigns Ltd

Site created by Turner PR Ltd

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